I am not any of the girls in the picture above, so I was a little disappointed. I searched through the unidentified pictures and found a few photos of the race I liked.
Race Report:
I got to the race about 7:00 (scheduled race start was 8:10). The first thing I did when I got to the Civic Center was go to the bathroom. As I walked in, there was not one person using the urinals. However, every single stall was taken. I thought that was kind of funny as I stood there waiting for a stall to open up.
I then did a little light stretching, then went outside to run a quarter mile warm up. I had my warm-up on and it didn't seem too bad. There were a lot of people in the Civic Center that were dressed way too warm. After the warm-up, I went back into the Civic Center to do a little more stretching. In the Civic, there were a couple of starting speeches by both Fargo and Moorhead Mayors. Then they sent us out to the starting line at 8:15.
I took my place on the starting line about in the 3rd row back. I was wearing shorts, a technical tank top, and a technical long sleeve shirt, however there were several people around me with jackets and pants that were complaining about the cold weather. I didn't think it was too bad out and realized I have a huge mental advantage because a lot of people had a negative mindset.
The Fargo Mayor was going to be the starter for our race. He had a megaphone and was less than 5 yards away from me, however I couldn't hear a word he was saying. (Which was probably good because I wasn't very impressed by his speech inside.) All of a sudden his megaphone starts making a siren noise. We look around at each other wondering what the hell is going on, then realized that means GO, so we all take off.

Mile One: I wanted to run about a 7:00 1st mile. It is always tricky finding the right place to line up at the beginning of the race. I found a pretty good spot at this race, although I could have been closer to the starting line. From the start, I weaved around a few people and quickly found my pace. About a half mile into the race, I passed 3 women. From this point on, I could tell there were about 5 to 8 people in front of me, but did not want to make a move too early in the race so just relaxed and kept them in my view. I crossed the 1 mile mark at about 6:30. This pace was a little faster than I wanted to be so slowed up a bit to have some energy at the end.
Mile Two: I kept the runners in front of my in my sight but my pace slowed a little. The closest person behind me was about 15 yards behind me. My split for mile two was about 6:50.
Mile Three: No change in position, lead runners extend lead on me a little, but I can still have a view on three people. Mile 3 split was about 7:00.
Mile Four: Again no change in position. Person behind me is still 15 yards away. Mile split was 7:00 again.
Mile Five: I lost a little steam this mile. I started to loose ground to the people in front of me. I can also hear the person behind be gaining ground. Mile split was around 7:20.
Final 1.2 Miles As the person behind me is starting to make her move right after the 5 mile marker, I know I have to respond. She gets what sound like about 5 yards behind me, but I quickly respond. The rest of the race, I really focused on lengthening my stride. This helps me move quite a bit faster. I really had a good final mile. After I start striding out, I really leave the lady behind me. With about a quarter mile left in the race, I turn around quickly and don't even see her. I made up some distance on the people in front of me, but don't really come close to catching them. I ran the final 1.2 miles in 8:10 (average pace of 6.48/mi)

My final time ended up being 42:59. I placed 7th overall and 2/20 in my 25-29 age group. In the Men's Division i was 6/101. I was very happy with my race and new PR.
Later that day, my wife and I attended the 2009 Special Olympics State Banquet where I was awarded 2009 Area Volunteer of the Year for our state. I consider running and Special Olympics two of my passions in my life. It was nice to be given an award in both areas on the same day. I don't think I could have had a better day.
Nice recap on the race Josh. Sound like your race plan went very well. Will you run the Red Shoe run or Veterans day cross country? I think I will do the Vets day cross country for sure if they have it. I'm not sure about Halloween 5k yet. Any other race plans? Congrats on the award you received for your volunteer efforts. During our daughters illness we have become very aware of the importance of volunteers. You should be very proud of yourself.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I'm going to do the Red Shoe run. I forgot about the Veterans Day run. I love cross country runs so I might have to do it. There is a 5k in Fargo on 11/3 that I might do. Its put on by Dick Beardsley Running Company. You get a nice new balance long sleeve shirt and running socks that are valued more than the entry fee. If I can talk some people in carpooling down there, I might do that race too.
ReplyDeleteAwesome race, and congratulations on your award!